Financial Network, Inc. has been providing highly focused
business and technology services to the consumer credit
and mortgage finance industryfor over 17 years. A continued
focus on the consumer finance industry has enabled FNI
to design, develop and implement sophisticated Industry:
technology applications, the foremost being the automated
processing and decisioning of consumer and small business
credit transactions in real time. In the last 4 years
alone, FNI has processed more than 50 million transactions
with a total downtime over that period of less than
8 hours.

Katy Eggering is the Senior Network Engineer for FNI’s
complex network. She must make sure that FNI’s network
is available and secure for their clients 24x7x365.
Transmitting financial data across the Internet in a
secure and timely fashion is challenging. Keeping up
to date on security threats, industry regulations and
emerging technology can be a daunting task for network
engineers. Ms. Eggering knew that she needed a partner
who could configure and secure their network properly.
“Networks By Design has been a key partner to FNI. They’ve
helped us design and secure a complicated network that
handles sensitive data”, says Ms. Eggering. “We know
that performance of our network is a critical component
in our success which is why we needed a partner, rather
than just a vendor."

Networks By Design has extensive experience with network
configuration and security. “Being able to utilize
NBD’s experience was a key factor in our decision
to partner with them,” adds Eggering. “They
are never more than a call away and have provided solid
service in emergency situations.”
Financial Network, Inc.
Financial Services Provider
Location and Size:
St. Louis, MO
25 Employees
Business Requirements:
Networks By Design services: Network architecture,
configuration and installation. Results: